Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two weeks (nearly) down

Schools bopping along well enough. Now that a big convention is over at work I've got more time to sleep, and that's a big big biiiiiig plus. I think the semester is going to go well, though it will, as originally expected, involve a lot more work. Tonight when I get home I'm going to finish my assignments calendar, which should help me stay on track.

Had to order a microphone for French class so I can record exercises throughout the semester. I wasn't thrilled, but I found a decent-seeming one on Amazon and I'm hoping it will be waiting for me at the door when I get home.

Booked a cruise! My best friend and I are going the first weekend of spring break. I think it's fair to say we're both working/being worked pretty hard lately, so this will be a nice getaway. And it should be a lot of fun to do with her; we're a good girly team. There's a day at Nassau and we might elect to do some overpriced snorkeling. I'd like to browse the Straw Market even as I'm terrified to browse the Straw Market. It would be nice to get some souvenirs from the island instead of the boat, this time.

So I'm counting down to the cruise (43 days!) and to seeing Josh again (21!). I've felt particularly lovey lately, sweet and amorous both. I like thinking of the latter countdown in terms of 10 day blocks. Really, there's just two more to get through! This sort of thinking, where I bait myself, is very sad but often helpful. Getting excited about May and all the transitions that will happen then. Sometime after I've moved to Wisconsin I'll be joining my parents in Arizona for a trip. Jazzed about that. There are a lot of things I want to see in that particular state.

I've managed to get all my assignments (except the ones that require a microphone) done, but the past week has been a blur. I'm so glad that convention is over. It was really cool and I'm a bit sad I won't be here for the next one, but man did it wear me out. Paycheck will be worth it. Paycheck will be worth it. And there's only one week left until I get said beautiful paycheck! Praise Pringles.

Now that it's over, though, I feel a bit as though a subway train has rushed me by and I've been left reeling on a platform, not quite sure which way to go or even what exactly has just happened. But still swaying.

Life is good, though. Aside from missing the boyfriend and sharing a bathroom.

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