Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More food adventures

Dad (because he is a great dad) got me some quinoa at Costco when we were there Sunday. Also slightly smaller than applesauce cup-sized packages of hummus, and these yummy veggie chip snacks. So the Costco trip was a neat one, foodfindwise.

I've heard about quinoa, and I know it's supposed to be a superfood. I didn't know if it had a flavor and until I read the package when I got ready to make dinner tonight I sure as hell didn't know you're supposed to cook it until the "quinoa is tender but still chewy and white spiral-like threads appear around each grain."

Um. What?

It does have a flavor, but categorizing that flavor reminds me of trying to do the same for simple rice: you can tell what it is, but not identify anything that it reminds you of. It's very mild and just slightly sweet so I can see why people would like it as a hot breakfast. I might consider that for the future, actually. It would be good with a little bit of honey, I think. Or maybe some fruit.

Since this portion was for dinner, I put some powdered cumin in the pot and stirred it into the cooked quinoa. As I learned Saturday, cumin makes most things much better.

The spiral-like threads are not very spirally, but they do look... Not like the quinoa itself. They do, however, look more like miniature spaghettios than they do like worms, which is exactly what I expected them to look like. So once again, all is well.

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