Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A bit confused where I did not expect to be.

J'adore Lady Gaga.

Just saw the Alejandro video.

...What the fuck? I don't object to the imagery at all, but... What the hell does all that mean? I'm feeling a bit stupid for not getting it, but I don't think I do, at all. I love the story she told with Telephone, and Alejandro is very, very stylish, but there's no connect for me; I feel like I missed an important scene that would have connected things for me. I don't really resent it, I'm just not left with a feeling that the intent is for a viewer to draw their own conclusions. Am I just lazy, am I too stupid to pick up on it? That's a weary place to find yourself.

My Mesoamerican Archaeology final is tomorrow. I've done some studying. Promise. Tonight there will be more. I took a break to watch Jeopardy! and then go for a double loop around the Lake Underhill trail earlier, so I think I'm going to clean up and then it's back to Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.

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