Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Playing with letters and leaves and life

Class is phenomenal, and my professor is one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. Going to meet with a SLIS adviser tomorrow thanks to her, to talk about reapplying in the next few months. Hard to believe it's been almost a year since I was so caught up in my application. Feel much better prepared this time, and I'm really hoping that I'll get valuable advice tomorrow. Afterwards I'll head home to finally relax for a bit (it's pretty much been work and school lately with little time to do anything but sleep or get my ass kicked at Boggle by Josh), then go to Epic to tend our garden, and then get Josh and bring him home. Thursday night we're going to see The Taming of the Shrew performed in an outdoor theater. Pretty excited about this. Working until 4, so I'll need to get home asap and then go get him from work so we can head out to Spring Green, the city where the theater is located. But the rush should be worth it and I've been looking forward to the play since Josh told me about it a couple of months ago.

Class is phenomenal, but I'm having trouble focusing on gathering the information I need to conduct a booktalk tomorrow on the book I selected, which has such an interesting title and is so godawful boring. Very, very dry. Josh is playing a creepy and sad but interesting game called Catherine and it's... interestingly timed, I guess. Feeling major marrymemarrymemarryme woes lately, and making jokes about having kids instead since I know that's not happening any time soon. It just feels safer, I guess. Wah wah wah.

Garden really needs tending, but things are growing! It's fun to go out every few days and see how the plants are doing and how the vegetables are getting bigger. Most of my time out there tomorrow will be spent weeding the hell out of the place, but it looks like as the eggplant plants (?) have gotten taller the flea beetles have finally gone away. I've never had eggplant before because I think it looks weird (story of my life), but these Fairy Tale Eggplant are really cool looking, a really happy purple with white streaks. Mostly I am jazzed about the cucumbers, which I know I love to eat.

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