Sunday, January 27, 2013

Here it Goes Again (An Update of the General Variety)

Second semester is in full swing. Because of conferences I only had one of my three classes meet and because the professor for that class was in Canada I haven't actually met any of my professors AS professors yet (one is my advisor, we talked for a bit last semester). Sort of a strange first week.

Working a few hours a week at the public library I love, and I'm still at the large library at school. Was very, very happy to land the public gig because that's the type of library I'd eventually like to work in and I know great people there. A++, three cheers, and general hip hip hooray for the library.

The big plan for this year, aside from January to December grad school, is to buy a house in late summer when our lease is up. Been doing lots of dreaming and a dash of nightmaring about that process. Exciting in a good way but sometimes it feels like we're standing at the precipice of a Major Adult Thing we are not at all prepared for. I am learning to just sign us up for things and tell spouse I have done so instead of waiting to make plans together for these things-- it doesn't sit very well, but so far it works much better than the waiting game. Which is to say that anything gets done.

We're on a cruise next month, and after we get back we'll see about going to our credit union's First Time Homebuyer class. They offer it a few times a year, I'm hoping there will be another in March so we can find out what we need sooner rather than later. Our lease ends on the last day of August and frankly I'm down with moving sooner but it seems like it's a good transition point. Neither of us is the slightest bit packed, so... Yeah. I just passive agressively hate our neighbors (to their credit, not as loud lately) to tick the time away. Tonight we got frames for and hung up three posters so we have to stay for at least another week or I'll be forced to huff or something.

The snoring is ongoing and incredibly frustrating. Went to the doctor Friday, slow-acting (gee, thanks!) steroid spray prescribed. Darlingshnookumpants didn't take the stuff the first night and snored so loudly I wanted to throw things; I got so mad I cried. I could hear him through a closed door, over music. I can't-- rightly, anyway-- be angry with him because he's not doing it on purpose, but for fuck's sake... Argh. Hopefully spray will work miraculously fast and our marriage will survive intact. I know our marriage will survive. I am more hopeful it will survive in a we can sleep in the same bed every night kind of way. Between winter break, the thoroughly sawed logs, and not having to work in the morning for a while, my sleep schedule is shot to hell. You can imagine the wonders this is doing for my outlook on all things requiring hope.

Not doing a garden this year, just moving the rosemary to the porch when it (ha) warms up and trying lettuce out there, too. I'm tempted to get one of those tower planters but that seems a bit ridiculous when I'm supposed to be saving for a house and I'm pretty sure they require connecting to an electrical outlet. I'd also probably forget to add water and then where would the damn thing be? Still on my porch, I assume. But very dry.

Let's see, what else is going on? Holidays were interesting as holidays with family tend to be. Good. But that special brand of interesting. We drove down and back. Left in a blizzard, each of us felt the other's driving left something to be desired, but we made it there and back again. I thought about the cats a lot and was very happy to get home with them and love them more than they wanted. They endured it with feline grace and recuperated by thoroughly licking themselves in the cat-jayjay region upon release. Those are my girls!

We got DVR. I hope this explains the lack of additional worthwhile activity.

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