Monday, December 12, 2011

Wait just a damn minute!

Time's really gotten away from me. I can't believe December is already so far advanced, but a lot's been going on, so it sort of makes sense that I'm this far forward from the last time I got to be reflective.

Been a vegetarian for a whole year now. Keep waiting for the skinnification to happen, but I get bored waiting, and bored and brownies start with the same letter if you know what I'm saying. I'm just not a good waiter.

Got to go to Florida twice in November. Saw best friend both times, which was much needed. Of course we're flying south for Christmas, so I get more Hannahtime this month, too! Thank goodness the holidays have all conveniently arranged themselves right as I was about to go all twitch from bff withdrawal. Bffdrawal? I like it.

Because we'll be in Florida for Christmas, we decided early on not to invest in a tree. But I've been pining for a wreath. A girl's gotta have something that smells like Christmas that doesn't melt or spray out of a can. But the paycheck I was going to splurge on a wreath with was pledged to other things early, and I wasn't able to do it. Tonight after we (he) successfully parallel parked a half dozen times, Josh got us a wreath. It's beautiful, it smells like a Christmas forest, and the cats are going bonkers trying to get up the wall to eat it. Life is good.

Part of the reason that last paycheck was promised out already is that I wanted to split the cost of our trip to and from Florida. We rented a car and of course there's the gas cost that goes along with that. So now I've reimbursed Josh for half the trip's gas, and that feels good. Not as good as having money to spend, but there's satisfaction to be derived from this. Is what I told myself.

Hours got upped at work (they like me! they really like me!), so hopefully that unexpected windfall will be helpful for wedding expenses and other stuff.

Graduate school application is in. Second time's the charm? Please, please please.

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